Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tonight I Started Blogging while Watching the Ken Burns Jazz Documentary.

It's time to get this started; as in, it's time for something different.

The Jazz inspired me.  They took chances in their beliefs to change their lives.  I now commit myself to do the same.

Over the past seven months-ish, I have decided I like the house I live solo in enough to figure a way to come up with $1200 a month in simple rent.  This rent, however, does not include my $500+ per month of expenditures to keep the heat and lights on, buy my Jeep and pay its insurance, and eat some simple, homemade meals.  Add to this the fact I really like nice things, and the search wants a way to live this life on a -$41k salary.  How do I do keep up?  Keep following, and I'll tell you how I'm making it.
